This registration session will allow you to complete your registration for Hockey Learn to Skate, Intro to Hockey and Hockey School for the Winter 2025 Session.
Our Learn to Play Program is made up of a three (3) part series of progressionary classes. If your child has never skated before or has very little skating experience, we recommend starting them in Hockey Learn to Skate.
At the end of each session, coaches will provide direction on which class to sign up for next.
Ages 3-8. This class is for brand new skaters with no skating experience. Class focuses on balance, getting up and down without assistance, beginner stride, beginner edge-work, and entry level hockey skating skills. Classes meet for two 30-minute sessions per week.
Minimum equipment needed is skates and a helmet.
This class is run at both RecPlex and Top Shelf ice Arena in Gurnee, IL.
Ages 3-9. This class is for skaters with basic skating skills who want to continue to learn basic to intermediate skating techniques while feeling like a hockey player! Along with skating skills, basic skills with a puck will start to be introduced. Classes meet for three 30-minute sessions per week.
Players wear full equipment (see below for equipment needed).
Prerequisite: Passed or moved from Hockey Learn to Skate
This class is run at both RecPlex and Top Shelf Ice Arena in Gurnee, IL.
Ages 4-12. Hockey School focuses on the main skills of skating, puck-handling, and shooting that will be needed before joining a hockey team. Classes are taught by our Hockey School staff that keep each drill fun and competitive. Hockey School meets for two, 60-min sessions and one, 50-min session per week. Two sessions are suggested before joining a hockey team.
Players wear full equipment (see below for equipment needed).
Prerequisite: Passed or moved from Intro to Hockey
This class is run at the RecPlex Only.
Hockey Learn to Skate
Intro to Hockey & Hockey School
RecPlex Location Classes
Class Days/Times
Tuesday & Thursday: 4:20p-4:50pm
Cost: $112
Class Days/Times:
Tuesday & Thursday: 4:20p-4:50pm
Sunday: 8:00am-8:30am
Cost: $161
Class Days/Times
Tuesday & Thursday: 4:50p-5:40pm
Sunday: 8:30am-9:20am
Cost: $207
Top Shelf Location Classes
Hockey Learn to Skate (2x per week)
Wednesday & Friday: 4:20pm-4:50pm
Cost: $112
Intro to Hockey (3x per week)
Class takes place 2x per week at Top Shelf, with a scrimmage day on Sundays at the RecPlex.
Wednesday & Friday: 4:20pm-4:50pm (Top Shelf)
Sunday: 8:00am-8:30am (RecPlex)
Cost: $161
Please direct questions to:
Hockey Coordinator
Phone: 262-947-3622
Select an option to continue with the registration.